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Meet the 2024 Springfield Bicycle Club Board

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Anne Schroll - Interim President / Director of Marketing
Anne Schroll - Interim President / Director of Marketing

bio-SchrollLike many others, I rode a bike as a kid but abandoned the hobby for years, picking it up again in my 40s. I participate in several organized gravel events each year. I also enjoy mountain biking, doing it poorly but with great enthusiasm. Depending on the terrain, you will see me on either a Specialized Diverge gravel bike, a Chisel hardtail or an Aethos road bike. Usually I am trying to keep up with my husband, Steve. Cycling adventures include Ride the Rockies, El Tour de Tucson, Land Run, Dirty Kanza and Gravel Worlds. Another volunteer role that I enjoy is serving as an ambassador for Gravel Bike Adventures, a Colorado-based advocacy group. 

In 2019, I joined the board of the SBC to help with the website and social media. I also coordinate the online newsletter. As Vice President, I look forward to working with the Board to organize quality rides and events for cyclists of all levels. 

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Larry Stone - Treasurer
Larry Stone - Treasurer

Larry is a retired Auditor / Accountant from the State of Illinois focusing primarily on Information Systems Auditing.

He was Adjunct Professor at UIS and Millikin Univ for 16 years teaching Information Systems Auditing and Accounting Information Systems.

When he's not volunteering at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum or serving on the board of the Sangamon County Historical Society, Larry can be seen riding long distances on his road or gravel bike. Significant cycling accomplishments include riding Mt. Evans, Ride the Rockies and Steamboat Gravel in Colorado.

He lives with his wife Lisa in Sherman.

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Jeanny Huber - Secretary
Jeanny Huber - Secretary

Jeanny is the club's new Secretary. During the riding season, she's a regular on the Slow C rides. Jeanny lives in Chatham with her husband Dave. 

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Ted Sunder - Membership Director
Ted Sunder - Membership Director

Like most kids growing up in the 50’s, I had a bike; actually a succession of them. I biked everywhere, all the time. Then I became 16 and got a driver’s license. The bikes were dropped. It was after med school, in training in North Carolina, that I walked past a bike shop, recalled my enjoyment and bought a road bike. I enjoyed it, but time was always a problem. I kept the bike and took it with me as I moved, but it was neglected. During active duty in the Navy in Southern California and Washington, DC my passion was sailing and sailboat racing as well as running. I continued the running during my Active Reserves and my career in academic medicine; it was more time friendly. I came to Illinois in 1994 and began to ride again. I purchased a hybrid and then ultimately upgraded my old road bike to a new one. The old interest grew and with more time in the saddle it grew into a passion, which only increased with my retirements from the Navy (2006), SIU (2012) and fully from practice in 2017.

I joined the club in 2010 and became Membership Director in 2015. I have a passion for education and encouragement, especially of new or younger riders. I have taken the League Safe Cycling Course and the Youth Instructor Course. I have participated in multiple events doing trainings, helmet fittings, rodeos and demonstrations. I regularly lead club rides and work support for the Century.

In 2015 I joined the Springfield Bicycle Advisory Council and served as chair from 2019-2021. I function as the Legislative Liaison for the club board and help to coordinate projects of mutual interest. I am looking forward to Springfield attaining Silver level Bicycle Friendly Community status in 2022 and for our club to grow in numbers and dynamic commitment.

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Legislation and Education Director - Vacant
Legislation and Education Director - Vacant

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Lori Dale - Special Events and Projects Director
Lori Dale - Special Events and Projects Director

Originally from the St. Louis area, I’ve lived in Springfield with my husband and three kids for nearly 30 years. Primarily a runner, I begrudgingly started biking in 2018 - my husband had been nudging me for months. After that, I was hooked. I have several centuries under my belt - my first being an epic tale that is way too long to tell in this short bio! One of the things that draws me to biking is that it brings people of all ages and fitness levels together. No matter where you are on the biking “spectrum” you are sure to find friends.

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Marty Celnick - At Large Director
Marty Celnick - At Large Director

I am a native of New York City, and have lived in Central Illinois for 26 years. I also spent five years, during the 1990s in Topeka, Kansas. I’ve been a member of the Springfield Bicycle Club since 1991. During that time, I have gone on club rides and led them. I have also spent a lot of time riding on my own. During the pandemic I did not attend a lot of club rides, but I did put on many miles riding solo. I also commute to work by bicycle. It's about 8 miles round trip, so I ride during my lunch hour to get an hour of exercise.

I generally ride at a C pace on club rides. I am not here to race, or to prove anything. I’m just looking to have fun and get some exercise. Nearly all of my riding is with a road bike. 

II have worked in IT for a long time. In February, 2023, I retired from the State of Illinois, but I'm still working part time on contract, generally three days a week. I work for Healthcare and Family Services at 2200 Churchill Road.

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Roseanne Nance - Social Director
Roseanne Nance - Social Director

I was born and raised in Springfield, and moved to the Petersburg area in the late 80’s. I have enjoyed leisure biking most of my life. My first real organized bike ride was Lance Armstrong’s “Ride for the Roses” in Austin, Texas. I enjoyed doing the Tour de Corn and other club events for a few years. I then had to put a lot of things on hold to be able to take care of parents, while still raising kids and working fulltime. As those responsibilities lessoned, and with the encouragement from my kids, I started training and participating in various races/events. I have truly enjoyed doing numerous biking, running, and triathlon events and have recently started rucking.  I look forward to serving on the Board and meeting new friends/members.

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Barb Manson - At-Large Director
Barb Manson - At-Large Director

I have always enjoyed cycling. However, until a couple years ago my main focus was running. My husband I have been members off and on of the SBC, but it wasn't until a couple years ago that I started riding regularly when I began riding with the Slow C group. I ride a road bike and look forward to many more miles with the SBC.

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Casey Primm - Interim Vice President
Casey Primm - Interim Vice President

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Chris Scheufele - Ride Incentives Director
Chris Scheufele - Ride Incentives Director

My motivations for riding are gravel, ice cream, sketchy routes, and the occasional KOM. As a work-from-home worker, I like daydreaming about the next ride that will get me out of the basement and away from screens, but of course, documenting everything on Strava so I can overanalyze and plan for the next ride.

This year I will be stepping into the role of the Incentives Director. Looking forward to encouraging others to get into riding, biking longer distances, sharing their stories, and maybe even dipping their toes into the gravel scene. 

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Keri Jo Casson - At-Large Director
Keri Jo Casson - At-Large Director

As a kid I spent many afternoons in a Burley bike trailer as my dad towed me along everywhere he rode. I’d sit back there for hours eating fruit snacks, popsicles, and sipping Capri Suns. It was great then and it would probably still be great now. I also spent countless hours on the back seat of a tandem while my dad steered the way. Cycling was always his passion and it has inevitably become mine. 

I enjoy most things on two wheels… mountain biking, road and gravel, long centuries, short joyrides, and leisurely rides gawking at cows. My main passion over the last few years has been mountain biking. I may not be as fast as the boys, but I absolutely love hitting the trails and experiencing all that nature has to offer. I have met many great friends through the biking community and look forward to fostering new friendships in the coming years.

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Dan Casson - At-Large Director
Dan Casson - At-Large Director

My passion for biking started in my teenage years, riding around the neighborhood jumping curbs and anything I could find. It wasn't until later that I truly embraced cycling after friends introduced me to trail riding, which sparked a love for the sport. Since then, I've expanded my collection of bikes and found immense joy in the cycling community, where I've met many wonderful people—including my wife. Now, I aim to help the SBC Community explore the diverse world of biking and find what excites them.